February 6, 2010
Today marked the 3rd anniversary of the Human Powered Brewery Tour here in Ft.Collins. This year was a fundraiser for ALS as well. While the morning dawned a little overcast the the temperature to run, bike, drink, crawl or whatever your mode of transportation was perfect!
I opted to bike as it's easier "2 dew after a few brews". A good group of about 25 ~ 30 showed up for this years event that had characters ranging from the plain - me, to the beer fairy, ballon gal, and wal-mart trash (sorry Alene!). I'm sure next time we hook up on a run I'll be the one that gets "trashed" by you.
After a few samples at New Belgium it was off to the Ft. Collins Brewery. From there, we all backtracked to O'Dell's where we finished up at Coopersmith's for lunch. And while we may have drawn some odd looks and honks by passer bye's a fun time was had by all no doubt and look forward to next year. Maybe I'll pitch the idea of one of these in the Summer or Fall?