Expectations are an interesting thing. A collaboration of past experiences and future hopes, expectations cast such a strong light on the present that no single experience can really stand on its own. But when experience surpasses expectations, those "ah-ha" moments of discovery stand as singular mileposts on life's winding roads. So when I was asked to join this particular team - all of which I know and have ran with many a times I told Bk "sure" why not?
However, she let it be known right of the bat that this was not going to be a "competitive" group as I know it so beware. And while that was a little hard to take at first, I'm glad I jumped on board.
I have to say that in all my years of running this by far had to rate as one of the funnest events I've done as a team. I mean, where else can one hang out mid-race and crack a beer or two? not many that I can think of! and with the exception of motel hell in Walden where the sheets have not been washed for years and the mattresses were the pits as well (I slept on the floor) I have to say that we all had a good time.