
Monday, March 14, 2011

Wow, September (last year that is) is a long way off from my last post. And while I make no excuses, well, I'm sure I can come up with a few, but then again we've all heard them before. Don't really know where to pick up after such a long time. So I wont. Instead, I'll focus on the future as best possible.

With less than three weeks to go it'll be off to Nepal, Kathmandu and Everest Base Camp/EBC. This for those who know me know it's been a trip, trek, in the making for at least 20 years now. Oh, yeah, every year would come around when I'd start making plans on where next and inevitably Nepal would always surface but who had three week vacation - at least here in the States along with are usually airfares that would rival what my house is worth? However, it was way overdue no matter.

So it is with only a handful of day's left that I'll embark on my trip to end all trips, treks and look forward not only to the trek itself but also the Nepali culture and cuisine as well. And with enough memory to bring back a few thousand pictures as well.


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