
Saturday, January 7, 2012

Race Across the Sky, Week 6

Saturday, January 7 2012...

Hi all. Ok, well first week of the year in the books and it's been a good one. We actually hit 60/61 degrees on Thursday, and while I hadn't 'planned' on it, I took off of work at noon for a massage (long over due. Thanks Tish) followed by a run over to a Friends house to check up on their puppy then by a bike ride. Now that would be my kind of triathlon!

I got in a so~so 12 miler this morning. It was one of those runs that when you decide to do something like clean the house at six in the morning (procrastinating of course)that it could be a long one. But, eventually I got my lazy butt out the door and took Abbey out for her 4miles before heading out for 8 on my own. I've realized and have before that not all days will be stellar and it's day's like this when even if I walked they have to be done as no doubt I'll run, or walk into these same situations later on this year. It's all good mental training as far as I'm concerned.

On a non running note, I heard back from the folks at Boulder Affordable housing (it's a program for those NOT making a million dollars or more) that I actually qualify for middle, not low, but middle income housing! wow, thought with my income I would barely qualify to live under a bridge. So, I guess it's time to get moving - no pun intended, on what is way overdue. Overdue because while my address has been Ft.Collins my heart has always been Boulder. Now I just need to sell & move all at the same time! stay tuned. Ok, looks like the clouds are breaking up now, time to hop on the bike. Total this week: 57. Bike 115, Run Total -268. Runstrong all,


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